Violent misfortunes frequently occur around 16-year-old Yuuta Okkotsu, a timid victim of high school bullying. Yuuta is saddled with a monstrous curse, a power that dishes out brutal revenge against his bullies. Rika Orimoto, Yuuta's curse, is a shadow from his tragic childhood and a potentially lethal threat to anyone who dares wrong him.
Yuuta's unique situation catches the attention of Satoru Gojou, a powerful sorcerer who teaches at Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School. Gojou sees immense potential in Yuuta, and he hopes to help the boy channel his deadly burden into a force for good. Yet Yuuta struggles to find his place among his talented classmates: the selectively mute Toge Inumaki, weapons expert Maki Zenin, and Panda.
Yuuta clumsily utilizes Rika on missions with the other first-year students, but the grisly aftermath of Rika's tremendous displays of power draws the interest of the calculating curse user Suguru Getou. As Getou strives to claim Rika's strength and use it to eliminate all non-jujutsu users from the world, Yuuta fights alongside his friends to stop the genocidal plot.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
Actori Voce
Getou, Suguru
JapaneseGojou, Satoru
MainNakamura, Yuuichi
JapaneseInumaki, Toge
MainUchiyama, Kouki
JapaneseOkkotsu, Yuuta
MainOgata, Megumi
MainSeki, Tomokazu
JapaneseZenin, Maki
MainKomatsu, Mikako
JapaneseCursed Girl
JapaneseHasaba, Mimiko
SupportingMatsuda, Risae
JapaneseHasaba, Nanako
SupportingMatsuda, Satsumi
JapaneseIeiri, Shouko
SupportingEndou, Aya
JapaneseIjichi, Kiyotaka
SupportingIwata, Mitsuo
JapaneseIno, Takuma
SupportingHayashi, Yuu
JapaneseKamo, Noritoshi
SupportingHino, Satoshi
JapaneseKusakabe, Atsuya
SupportingHayami, Show
JapaneseMei Mei
SupportingMitsuishi, Kotono
SupportingYamadera, Kouichi
JapaneseMiwa, Kasumi
JapaneseMuta, Koukichi
SupportingMatsuoka, Yoshitsugu
JapaneseNanami, Kento
SupportingTsuda, Kenjirou
JapaneseNegi, Toshihisa
SupportingNishimiya, Momo
SupportingKugimiya, Rie
JapaneseNitta, Akari
SupportingTokui, Sora
JapaneseOrimoto, Rika
SupportingHanazawa, Kana
JapaneseSuda, Manami
SupportingItou, Shizuka
JapaneseToudou, Aoi
SupportingKimura, Subaru
JapaneseYaga, Masamichi
SupportingKuroda, Takaya
JapaneseZenin, Mai
SupportingInoue, Marina
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