Thirteen years after Yang Jian (known to some as Erlang Shen) imprisoned his sister beneath a mountain, the once powerful god now scrapes by as a penniless bounty hunter. When a mysterious woman hires him for a new job, Yang Jian soon finds himself chasing down a familiar figure. He must stop Chenxiang, his long-lost nephew, who is in search of the magical lotus lantern that will free his mother, even if it will bring catastrophe. As Yang Jian confronts the actions of his past, he must face a host of dangerous vigilantes seeking the same treasure with the power to alter the balance of their worlds.
(Source: Movie Insider)
Actori Voce
MainLi, Lanling
MandarinYang, Jian
MainLouie, Nicholas Andrew
EnglishBig Ears
SupportingBoss Hai
SupportingCasino Monkey
SupportingYang, Tianxiang
MandarinGourd Pixie
SupportingLauer, Mick
EnglishMaster Yuding
SupportingShen, Parry
EnglishMo, Lishou
SupportingHaberkorn, Todd
EnglishMo, Lihong
SupportingHom, Alex
EnglishMo, Lihai
SupportingHom, Alex
EnglishMo, Liqing
SupportingOlder Disciple
SupportingBosch, Johnny Yong
EnglishPrison Guard
SupportingHaberkorn, Todd
EnglishShen, Gongbao
SupportingZhao, Yi
SupportingJi, Guanlin
SupportingLiu, Xiaoyu
MandarinYang, Chan
SupportingQiu, Qiu
SupportingQiu, Qiu
MandarinYoung Disciple
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